Ambo boost call to aid responses

Written By Unknown on Sabtu, 08 Desember 2012 | 19.55

AMBULANCE crews must be boosted to improve Tasmania's emergency response times, says an internal report released yesterday.

The report calls for an urgent increase to crews and stations to bring down the emergency waiting times in Hobart and Launceston.

Denison Independent MP Andrew Wilkie condemned the State Government for failing to implement the main recommendations of the report done for Ambulance Tasmania.

"Tasmania has one of the worst capital city response times in the country," Mr Wilkie said.

"Instead of acting, the State Government has sat on the report that recommends a solution to this health problem for two years and the Tasmanian community is paying the price," Mr Wilkie said.

The report says: "The first priority is to raise emergency response standards in Hobart and Launceston by 2011-12."

It said an extra full-time crew was required in Hobart and Launceston bases, and three new stations were needed in the Hobart area.

Bryan Wilson of EMSPA, the Australian Paramedics Association, said the 2012 National Report on Government Services showed ambulance response times were among the worst in the country.

Among data referred to in the report released yesterday, two-thirds of emergency cases - including heart attacks - were not seen within 10 minutes in southern Tasmania.

That was despite a target used overseas and in South Australia of eight minutes in 90 per cent of cases.

Health Minister Michelle O'Byrne said 15 new paramedics would be employed this month and 15 in April next year.

She said statewide response times improved from 11.4 minutes to 11.2 minutes in the past financial year and response times had improved in Hobart, Launceston and Burnie.

Hobart's 2011-12 median wait time was 10.3 minutes.

"This report was commissioned as an internal planning tool and contained a raft of very useful information that we are already using," Ms O'Byrne said.

Among those, a first intervention vehicle was being trialled and was already improving response times.

Mr Wilkie said the government was only "tinkering around the edges".

Ambulance Tasmania said the eight-minute benchmark was not used in Tasmania nor many other jurisdictions.

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